Wow. It has been some time since I have posted. I just haven't been interested in typing for a while. I think it is that I have been actually accomplishing things lately or have been so exhausted that I couldn't bring myself to be able to type. Who knows, but I am here to share ... something, I don't think wisdom is the right word.
One thing I wanted to mention was the "Luxury" tax that the State is thinking of levying on all entertainment and sports tickets sold in the state. Seems like a way to hurt the less wealthy people that try to entertain their families. Classic regressive tax that will harm people of lesser means. I thought the concept of breads and circuses was to give the great unwashed entertainment so they would not revolt. You shouldn't make the entertainment prohibitively expensive, it will likely hasten the revolution. I can't imagine one is not coming. I am not advocating it, I would like to see some reforms to treat the working class a whole lot better so that the revolution won't come. Anyway, if you don't like the idea, go to here.
Something that has bothered me is the lack of balls in Labatt Blue commercials. I think you know the one I mean, the guy is being berated by the deer ("We get the fawns up at five!") until the end when he says "I'm Sorry." The deer responds "You're f%^*&ng right you are." This was the best commercial I've seen in a long time. Well, the networks that air it, especially FSN Detroit, have started taking out the bleeped swear word. Losers. I was not able to find this commercial on the web, although I only tried searching google and yahoo. Read this loser, which has been referenced all over the net:
While watching all three games in the weekend series between the Cleveland
Indians and Cincinnati Reds on Sports Time Ohio this weekend, I watched the same
commercials over and over again. Normally commercials don’t give me reason to
blog, but one in particular really ticked my wife and I off. A specific
Labatt Blue commercial features a guy at the store where a deer comes up to him
and engages him in conversation. The deer is obviously giving the guy a hard
time for not being out in the woods or something like that, and makes comments
about “frolicking in the woods since 6 am” and “getting the fawns up at 5.” The
guy makes a comment back to the deer before the scene ends with the deer saying
“you got that f*&%ing right!”
Now I don’t know if this bothers you or not, but it does bother me and it bothered my wife as well. Yes, the f-word has lost a lot of power over the years due to the over-use by millions of English-speaking people. But this obvious beeping-out of the f-word, and you can’t tell me that he was saying anything other than the f-word, is just plain tasteless. My wife even made mention of the fact that if we had kids they
could not even watch a baseball game anymore thanks to this commercial.
I feel this is a bit of poor judgement on the part of SportsTime Ohio. The station
exists to help the Cleveland Indians compete and bring in revenue, but
commercials like this one from LaBatt Blue have no place on STO or any
other network in my opinion. I hereby ask SportsTime Ohio to use better
judgement in the future and remove this commercial from their programming