Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Imus and the Rutgers Basketball Team

This story is all over the place and Imus is simply an idiot, but I think we knew that. But I question the reaction of the Rutgers players, who came out and said they would meet with Imus "To express our great hurt." I am not saying he should not be suspended, or chastised and what he said was ridiculus, but isn't there a point where you say, if you are the Rutgers team, he's an idiot and I don't care? Why should they spend more than 10 seconds of their lives caring what Imus says. It was a stupid few statements that got him suspended (I am assuming without pay), has everyone saying it was stupid and these people are not as he characterized him, but let it end! Yes, wrong and bad. Fine, get on with our lives. I mean, they just announced the father of Anna Nicole's baby. These kinds of statements from the vicitims about their great hurt, by being mis-characterized by a blowhard radio shock jock, dilutes progress of race relations. The other people involved, well-meaning, seem to be taking only the low hanging fruit instead of working on tougher issues that still exist within race relations.

This is my problem right now with crusaders and politicians is that they come charging out against any perceived injustice or for the cause that is really kind of meaningless when there are larger, less obviously solved problems out there being ignored. Sharpton comes out and demands Imus be fired (big deal, he will be hired again in a moment) and it all sounds like politicing for their own name instead of fighting deeper causes. They may be working on them (although I doubt politicians are) but you can't see that.

I am not even going to apologize for any of this. I could be wrong, but I don't mean anything. Neither does Imus.


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