Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Greatest Upset in College Football History

That sounds so much better than "The Greatest Choke Job in CF History"

Will winning every other game this season be able to make up for this? I am not sure.

Should Michigan schedule the I-AA ( I won't use the term FCS or whatever) champion each year?

I was hoping their coach was pretty young so we could hire him. No such luck, he graduated in 1961.

I read somewhere that Bo's death may have taken a lot more out of Lloyd than he has let on. One of my first thoughts after that game - how could Lloyd walked past Bo's office Sunday or Tuesday morning or the next time they would have been there.

I have said it before, and I was not the first, but I don't think U of M could ever fire Carr. But I wonder how much Lloyd will be around after his retirement. I don't see him with an office in Schembechler Hall and continuing to be a face of the program. Doesn't seem to be his style.

Also, is there someone in the Michigan system who would be ready to take over when Lloyd leaves? Do we want to start over with an entirely new staff?

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