Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Does Palin's daughter need to be discussed

Link above

Posted by Bonnie
on Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 10:59 PM Sorry, George, Bristol's
pregnancy does matterPlease remember that Mother Palin wants to impose her
religious views on matters of choice and family values on us. And, as an
advocate of abstinence education, Palin expects us to pay for programs that
express her narrow views -- yet her own family shows us how ineffective such
efforts often prove to be. I want my tax dollars used to give young girls
information on birth control. Sarah wants families to handle such matters, but
clearly she didn't do a good job of teaching her daughter how to avoid a teenage
pregnancy. Or doesn't she believe in birth control?I also think it's outrageous
that Mrs. Palin accepted the offer to become vice president knowing that this
would put her daughter into the spotlight at what must be a difficult time for
this young girl. Why didn't Sarah "just say no"?It isn't the media who thrust
Bristol into the spotlight - it was her mother. I thought conservatives believed
in putting family first?

this is the first article to get close to expressing my thoughts on the value of this story. The hypocritical nature of the conservatives and their assuredness on their own opinion regardless of facts is the real story here - how can she advocate abstenance only when it clearly doesn't work with her own grandchild as evidence.

Also, some of the comments of this article show a narrowmindedness of the conservative movement.

Let's look at it from another perspective. After all the years of taxes going to
this ill fated project how many boys and girls, men and woman are still not
using proper birth control methods? For this reason we should eliminate this
funding. Why should my tax payers dollars go for an unsuccessful program
Bonnie wants her taxes to be used for?

Well, how about the fact that there are less teen pregnancies and cases of STD's in situations where all concepts are taught, not just one. This is the definition of narrow minded. Another comment, which actually uses the term.

I want my tax dollars used to give young girls information on birth
Great, send a donation to the government. Unfortunately, in the real
world, you are forcing me, through the tax code, to pay for something I may not
agree with; or as you articulated "to pay for her narrow views". Perhaps I
believe your view is narrow. How is this situation any different?

I think I get it now - science, with it's facts and logical thought process is so narrow minded, especially since it interferes with the thought methodology of the right - if it feels right in the gut, regardless of evidence, it must be right. Truthiness at it's best. And the worst for anyone that thinks.

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