Sunday, October 14, 2007

Books I want to read.

So I have found more books I want to read. I have a lot of books, but nowhere near enough time or resources to purchase them. I think I should start a minature lending library to use my books that are just sitting here and borrow other people's. I know my local library should do this, I suppose I should check it out sometime.

Here are the books I would like to read:
Come On People: On the Path from Victims to Victors (Hardcover)
by Bill Cosby (Author), Alvin F. Poussaint (Author) - I saw the interview on Meet the Press with the two authors and they made a number of great points.

Linked: The New Science of Networks (Hardcover)
by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (Author) - I heard about this from the TWIT (This week in Tech) podcast, a book about networks of things from brain cells to humans and how they work. Very interesting.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (Hardcover)

by John J. Mearsheimer (Author), Stephen M. Walt (Author) - I saw one of the authors on The Colbert Report, and the message was quite interesting without resorting to anti-semetic thought.

There are several others, I will try to keep a list on the side.

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