Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hello Wednesday

So, I am a dumb guy. I cannot make the right decision each morning to get out of bed. I get up, turn off all the alarms, and think that I can lay down for a few more minutes and get up and go to work. That would be fine, except THAT I HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO DO IT. The best definition of stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. I am letting people down, putting stress on people supporting me, and I don't like myself very much.

Let's get to something more interesting. Only I can't think of anything more interesting. Not that I am that interesting, but I am kind of focused on myself right now.

I downloaded iTunes 7, and love the ability to browse by album covers, the only problem is that I spent a few hours last night updating the information in my music library, including album covers and correct album names. I get so obsessive about that stuff sometimes. That is what makes me good at my job.

Sorry, just spent the last hour doing it again.

Dammit, another hour. I have work to do.

See you tomorrow. I am going to try to not be stupid.

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